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Point and click adventure Zarathustra uses AI Art and AI Voices
23 November 2023 at 3:40 am UTC

Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: Guppyevery new teknologi that comes along encounters this, imagine if farm workers had the internet to voice their dismay on back when tractors first appeared:

"built on the backs of real farm workers!"
"Look at all the nicks and dings in those tractor harvested potatoes!"

Still the farm workers found other employment, and the world kept turning.

And yeah the "AI" is coming for my job too as a programmer - it will either be a miserable failure or I'll find other employment. The world will keep on spinning. ;)
Believe it or not, the whole mechanized agriculture model is still controversial. Lot of juries are out about the net impact there, which is still creating slums, eroding soil, destroying rural communities and associated with overuse of chemicals to this day.
So that's not necessarily a reassuring analogy.
If you go down this line of argument, lots of juries can be out about the net impact of farming too, and maybe the existence of the human race, and life itself.

Linux user share remains above macOS in the latest Steam Survey
2 September 2023 at 9:45 pm UTC Likes: 2

I was just selected for the survey yesterday. What an honor!
It's weird that Steam still puts OS X before Linux in the list even though Linux has a higher share:

Tim Sweeney has a point about Fortnite EAC support
11 February 2022 at 9:04 pm UTC

Quoting: SamsaiThe separate kernel module approach comes with some gotchas. Firstly, the kernel is licensed under GPLv2 and many of the parts in the kernel require the calling code to also be GPLv2 due to the "viral" quality of GPL. This means that, legally speaking, if Epic were to turn EAC into a kernel module and started poking around the kernel APIs, they'd have to open source EAC or they'd be in a legal grey area. The first approach is obviously not possible due to their business model and the second is at least not a great look.
Based on the Linux Syscall Note, using system calls does not count as deriving from the Linux kernel. Otherwise closed-source drivers and libraries couldn't legally exist. You might argue that EAC needs to do more than what the NVIDIA driver might access, and you may be right, but it's not clear how GPL would prevent them from doing those things.

Dota 2 on Linux gets upgraded to use the newer Steam runtime container
2 February 2022 at 3:38 am UTC

It was already an option to force using Steam Linux Runtime with Linux-native games in compatibility settings. Is this what this "upgrade" does? In that case isn't it simply removing the option of not using the compatibility runtime?

Get Surviving Mars and expansions in the latest Humble Bundle plus a big sale
16 January 2022 at 7:28 am UTC

Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: Wooo
Quoting: Liam DaweWe did already write about their upcoming changes.

No. I think something is missing in your report, Liam.
If I understood it right their changes is not about getting a new launcher for Windows. It is about ditching Linux at all.
And - somehow - a complete Linux-less Humble looks somehow out of place on a site about gaming on Linux…

Quoting: E-Mail by Humble BundleRetiring Mac & Linux Trove games
We want to give you a heads up that starting February 1, Mac and Linux versions of the DRM-free games currently in the Humble Trove will no longer be available.
It is noted in our article.

Quoting: The ArticleNext up, they’ve decided you need another launcher with the Humble app, which will only be supported on Windows. This will be required for the new, additional, Humble Games Collection. This will contain a “growing” list of curated games. On top of that the Humble Trove is being renamed to the Humble Vault, which they say will remain “DRM-free” but it will also require the Humble app.

The normal "main" part of choice is not restricted to the app.

We will continue to highlight anything we think is a reasonable deal.

Your article, just like the notice from Humble, mentioned that Mac and Linux downloads will be no longer available for Humble Trove games. But since the new Windows-only client will be required to access your collection, I can only assume this also applies to games in your whole collection including those purchased with bundles.

Sure, you'll still keep your Steam keys, and that may be how the vast majority of players use Humble now. But imagine if one day Steam shuts down access, while Humble is still around, then you'll only be able to download Windows copies of your games, but not Mac/Linux ones. That scenario seems unlikely, but I also couldn't have imagined this happening to Humble years ago. "DRM-free" was supposed to be one of Humble's selling points, and that's now permanently lost to Linux gamers.

System76 patches APT for Pop!_OS to prevent users breaking their systems
10 November 2021 at 5:04 pm UTC Likes: 5

This is why pacman ("I use Arch btw") just tells you when installing a package would result in a conflict and stops, rather than presenting "intelligent" solutions like removing/downgrading 100 other packages you need.

XWayland 21.1.2 is out now with support for hardware accelerated NVIDIA on the 470 driver
12 July 2021 at 11:51 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: robvvI was thinking of switching to Wayland on my Tumbleweed KDE system system until I found this page. Yikes :-)
The list is much shorter compared to what it was months ago, and some of the bugs are already not happening for me. The best advantage of Wayland for me has been the ability to set different scaling factors per display, so that I can have a large monitor in front of me and laptop screen to the side, and be able to see text on both monitors equally clearly.

NVIDIA 470.42.01 for Linux adds DLSS for Proton, Xwayland, asynchronous reprojection
27 June 2021 at 7:24 pm UTC

So far it's working well on my Optimus laptop running Arch Linux and Plasma Wayland. I needed to install from AUR nvidia-beta-dkms, lib32-nvidia-utils-beta, and xorg-xwayland-git, and prime-run works like before.

Free online co-op survival horror Zombie Panic! Source 3.1 is out with Linux support
17 October 2020 at 12:51 am UTC

Quoting: ysblokje
QuoteWhile they only technically support Ubuntu / SteamOS, it does appear to work fine on EndeavorOS, which is pretty much just Arch Linux.

Just not enough like Arch actually, the game just comes up with a popup about a not being able to load the client library after the introvideo. A shame, I was looking forward to trying this, but at the same time I am in no mood to hunt this bug down.

I have the same problem on Arch [testing], with this error message:

 failed to dlopen /home/hagabaka/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Zombie Panic Source/zps/bin/ error=/home/hagabaka/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Zombie Panic Source/zps/bin/ undefined symbol: SSLv3_client_method, version OPENSSL_1.0.0
 failed to dlopen error=/home/hagabaka/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Zombie Panic Source/zps/bin/ undefined symbol: SSLv3_client_method, version OPENSSL_1.0.0