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Latest Comments by a0kami
Pocketpair respond to the Nintendo and Pokemon Company lawsuit for Palworld
20 September 2024 at 5:03 pm UTC Likes: 7

nintendo just went #1 patent troll 🤦

Celebrating 6 years since Valve announced Steam Play Proton for Linux
21 August 2024 at 8:26 pm UTC Likes: 11

Again, thanks to everyone who made this possible, this means the world to so many of us.
A few porting studios died along the way but the end goal has pretty much always been multi platform game dev, and wine/proton et al. sure is making linux market more enticing.

Valve bans keyboard automation in Counter-Strike 2 update
21 August 2024 at 8:11 pm UTC Likes: 1

what's VacNet 3.0 ? how does this work ?
( from 24/8/19 release note )

Valve attempts to deal with jokes, memes and ASCII art reviews on Steam
15 August 2024 at 1:59 pm UTC Likes: 4

I'm way more frustrated by troll/shitpost steam guides than reviews tbh, might have grown too old for the internet already

STALKER 2 delayed until November to fix unexpected anomalies
25 July 2024 at 1:00 pm UTC Likes: 3

anomalies ? in S.T.A.L.K.E.R ? 🤭

Manjaro 24.0 released with KDE Plasma 6, GNOME 46, Linux kernel 6.9
14 May 2024 at 11:09 am UTC Likes: 4

Plenty of fresh updates, just a few tweaks here and there and works like a charm!!

System Shock remake is getting a huge patch with big optimizations - great for Steam Deck
5 April 2024 at 9:33 pm UTC Likes: 1

shout-out to Nightdive Studios, huge work on the remake, it's dope

Stop Killing Games is a new campaign to stop developers making games unplayable
3 April 2024 at 7:08 pm UTC Likes: 1

On that specific topic and the video, I think the effort, as commendable as it is, it's prematurely dead, at least in France, I'm from there, and I'll tell you, we still have at the same time the "games turns people into terrorist" cliché and "game industry is the future of our economy" when french devs or esport team wins a prize or raise money for charity on the same mainstream media.
Yes our customer rights, and customer right observation associations are strong, no the justice still doesn't understand what games are, what's at stake and how heavy the game industry is, they just don't care much.
Finally, if (and that's a big if) things move a bit, I'm pretty confident it'll backfire, sure you'll be able to launch your game offline but it will miss features, content or might even soft lock, and at the slightest OS/driver major change it will break. In the end it might come down to the community to mod the game to fix it, as it always has been.

I'd really like to believe we could coerce the industry into better practices, but I don't think that will happen, not until individuals (sharing our values) in said studios will be able unionize, raise their voice, be heard and circumvent sales and marketing departments. And that's a battle to be fought in every studio.

Random thoughts on that topic.

Exclusively multiplayer games, MMO's, battle royales, moba's..
Wouldn't they'd immediately loose their appeal ? But sure, we should still always be able to host a private server and have some fun among friends.
But in the end, that's where preservation would end up the costliest, MMO publisher won't spend the slightest cent for the devs to either release a commercial customer solution or even open sourcing the whole thing.
As players we perceive games as art, they are merely cash machines to most publishers.
Indies will go the preservation route but indies are mostly able to fund offline single-players.

Finally, I initially drafted huge pseudo philosophical paragraphs, but I'll just ask directly, what are your opinions about loss ?
It's somehow both the most tragic and beautiful thing. You might react virulently to that statement, I get it, loss is tough, that's why.
But have we collectively decided yet to archive and digitize every single bit of our existences from now on ?
As an example, I can barely play my most favourite game ever, maybe 'cause I'm depressed, but more specifically I think it's because I used to play it in a very specific setting that's long gone and forever lost.

XZ tools and libraries compromised with a critical issue
2 April 2024 at 9:59 am UTC Likes: 2

the comment section... it never gets old