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Latest Comments by wytrabbit
Valve heads to PAX Australia for the first time, maybe they'll finally get the Steam Deck
18 September 2024 at 2:46 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Cyba.CowboyThat doesn't need to be a local presence - there are a lot of consumer electronics companies that ship their products overseas for diagnostics and / or repairs... Some of them do it for select issues, some do it for everything but it's common practice.

I don't know about you, but I feel far less confident in repairs that need to be shipped over long distances.. Fedex, UPS, DHL, TNT; none of the transport services are actually dedicated to quality transport. You only need 1 poorly run hub or driver to damage your device. You may be a former project manager, but I've been working in a warehouse for 11 years now. I see the level of care these people put into their work on a daily basis. International shipping reliability is spotty.

DHL can't even be bothered to deliver to us within normal business hours, and I'm in a major metropolitan area.

Valve heads to PAX Australia for the first time, maybe they'll finally get the Steam Deck
18 September 2024 at 2:05 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: Cyba.CowboyYeah, Valve Software will be at PAX Australia to tell us that they're going to release the Steam Deck locally in 2048... Meanwhile, everybody else - from two-bit nobodies through to billion dollar multinationals - can release their wares in a tenth of the time that Valve Software can, and generate a profit in the process!
What people keep missing on this point though, is how Valve is still a relative newbie to the hardware game. When you think about all the other lot doing handhelds, laptops and so on, they already have *all* the contacts and stuff in place to ship near worldwide for various types of hardware. Stuff like this takes time, but even so, it has been a bit too long for our Aus friends.

And shipping to Australia means official hardware support in Australia. So diagnostics, repairs, and replacements need a contact as well.

Valve heads to PAX Australia for the first time, maybe they'll finally get the Steam Deck
18 September 2024 at 12:17 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderHope Gabe is prepared to fight the Emus...... After their victory in the 1930's...... They now control the land....... They are a tough adversary....... They kicked our arse back then and are even more powerful now since they have formed an alliance with the Cassowaries and Dingos......... Gabe will need to work hard and negotiate a Steam Deck trade deal with the head Emu........

Hopefully that can happen at PAX Australia........ Good luck Lord Gaben....

Have the Drop Bears remained silent?

Risk of Rain creators Hopoo Games join Valve
3 September 2024 at 11:09 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: pb"What do you think they will be working on?"

Given Valve's track record, definitely not Risk of Rain 3.

Quoting: PyrateRIP Risk of Rain 3.

In any other article it would have been funnier, but Liam just mentioned above how Gearbox handled the 2nd game and will be responsible for RoR's future...

Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
28 August 2024 at 8:29 am UTC

Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: wytrabbit
Quoting: Purple Library GuyKind of feels like Mono is a corpse they are graciously allowing the Wine people to bury for them.

But... WINE has put a lot of effort over the years into supporting programs for old defunct Windows releases. Microsoft no longer needs it, and they're recommending all new code to use their modern fork, but these are like receiving the exam answers ahead of time. Now WINE no longer needs to guess and reverse engineer Mono related code, saving them time and money.
But Mono was already open source. It started as an open source thing to try to deal with the problem that was MS' .Net, which originated basically as a platform to exclude Linux. So I don't see why WINE would have needed to do any of that. MS are just saying "We have no more use for it, how about you guys maintain it?"

But how much of that could WINE use without the Mono project keeping an open source license? Since WINE would redistribute Mono with installations, possibly modifying it as necessary, it seems to me like they'd be in a delicate position. Sure it's open for us but we're protected by "personal use".

Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
28 August 2024 at 4:18 am UTC Likes: 4

Quoting: Purple Library GuyKind of feels like Mono is a corpse they are graciously allowing the Wine people to bury for them.

But... WINE has put a lot of effort over the years into supporting programs for old defunct Windows releases. Microsoft no longer needs it, and they're recommending all new code to use their modern fork, but these are like receiving the exam answers ahead of time. Now WINE no longer needs to guess and reverse engineer Mono related code, saving them time and money.

Deadlock from Valve no longer a secret - store page is up and we can finally talk about it
24 August 2024 at 12:32 pm UTC Likes: 2

I'm confident they'll release a native build, and it'll be Steam Deck Verified too.

PVKK from the Dome Keeper devs has you manually control a massive planetary defence cannon
21 June 2024 at 12:19 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: M@GOidThis reminds me of a scene in the 1985's movie "The Return of the Living Dead". There is a big cannon firing a nuclear warhead. At the time I though it was fake, a prop from a B trash movie. But a couple ears ago to my big surprise, I discovered that thing really exists. Its name is M65 atomic cannon. It does not have range to reach meteorites in space on collision course with Earth, but still is a impressive thing.

They seem to be about the same length but this planet defense cannon is definitely a higher caliber.

PVKK from the Dome Keeper devs has you manually control a massive planetary defence cannon
21 June 2024 at 12:14 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: gaboverstaI am disappointed that someone decided to not strictly stick to Planetenverteidigungskannonenkommandant as the titel and introduced an acronym.

The game looks interesting though.

If they don't abbreviate it from the start, the Steam community would come up with their own random terms. Hard to market your game that way. Now you can say PVKK in a chat and anyone who isn't familiar with the game can search for it.

Killer Bean looks absolutely nuts in the latest trailer
15 June 2024 at 4:36 am UTC

Quoting: ShabbyX
Quoting: pbDoesn't look much like a bean to me...

Lol, how did they not see it?
