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Manjaro 24.0 released with KDE Plasma 6, GNOME 46, Linux kernel 6.9
14 May 2024 at 5:49 pm UTC

Just did the update on my work laptop (on Manjaro, my home systems are on Endeavour). So far, so good!

Upcoming space RTS 'Falling Frontier' looks epic
18 March 2024 at 10:55 pm UTC

Quoting: BoldosIt looks amazing.

And it looked the same way amazing years ago, when it was supposed to be released...

This is so old, that I removed it from my wishlist some time last year as I consider it being a waporware...
Interesting. Thank you for giving us more of a longitudinal perspective.

Upcoming space RTS 'Falling Frontier' looks epic
12 March 2024 at 4:28 pm UTC Likes: 1

Yup, by far and away the title I'm most looking forward to in the near future.

System76 are giving their Linux laptops a big refresh
21 February 2024 at 1:53 pm UTC Likes: 2

I think we're finally starting to see some 16:10 displays from S76 as well, at least the next Orxy Pro is listed as having it upcoming. I own two older Oryx Pros, but I've admittedly been more recently really spoiled by Dell XPS and HP Elitebook levels of hardware quality... I'm really looking forward to S76's eventual bespoke laptops, however...

An Amazing Wizard is a bland name for a game but it looks like great chaos
1 December 2023 at 12:10 am UTC

Looks like fun, absolutely, but I couldn't help but think as I watched this that, if you could go back in time and show that trailer to me while I was playing Psygnosis' Barbarian on my Amiga in, like, 1988 and said, "I'm a time traveler. Let me show you some gaming from 2023!" I'd be like, "35 years of technological advancement, and it's more Barbarian and side scrolling? That's what I have to look forward to? Forget the future!"

KDE Plasma 6 gets a first Alpha release
9 November 2023 at 3:48 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Eike
Quoting: kokoko3kI hope Xorg users will continue to get fixes.

I was under the impression that not only KDE on X, but especially Xorg itself does not get a lot of love anymore?
I thought at this point it's essentially unmaintained.

Love classic RTS games? Check out D.O.R.F. Real-Time Strategic Conflict
17 October 2023 at 3:18 am UTC

This actually looks like a lot of fun if the AI holds up....

Linux overtakes macOS users on Steam thanks to Steam Deck
2 August 2023 at 8:09 pm UTC

Quoting: Tobias_HudelistIf they make the Cosmic Desktop standalone it may get even more popular than its Mother Gnome eventually...
They actually will be releasing Cosmic as a stand alone DE to be used on any distro and, if it delivers, I bet it'll be hugely popular. I personally can't wait to have Cosmic with the AUR. What will make or break it for me will be how good its touchpad gestures are. Whatever one thinks of Gnome, its touchpad gestures (and some excellent extensions made for them) make it the indispensible DE on my laptop...

Happy Birthday to GamingOnLinux - 14 years old today
6 July 2023 at 4:12 pm UTC Likes: 2

There is no Linux gaming without GOL. Happy birthday!

Framework gives more detail on their AMD Ryzen laptop
4 May 2023 at 10:39 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: PixelDropAs someone who uses a lot of AMD desktop CPUs, and then precedes to build computers for his wife, family, and friends with Intel CPUs because they tend to be vastly more stable...
Interesting post, thank you for sharing. Out of curiosity, also relative to benchmarks vs real life, do you ever really notice any usability differences between AMD and Intel from a desktop/laptop day-to-day standpoint? Or are all of these CPU arguments online basically fights over spreadsheets of benchmarks?