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Latest Comments by saellaven
Star Trek: Infinite from Paradox releases October 12
8 September 2023 at 5:11 pm UTC Likes: 4

Quoting: ElectricPrism
Quoting: EikeTo all those saying that Proton will lead to more native ports one day by raising the Linux user percentage...
It's not only that most Linux users stopped asking for ports.
Ten years ago, we had Windows users actively speaking out against Linux ports.

Quoting: quotI wish companies would start announcing official Proton support. I honestly would trust the stability of that more than most native Linux builds.

Nowadays, we got Linux users actively speaking out against Linux ports.
That's why I'm pessimistic.

Considering this:

I'd say I'm still cautiously optimistic.

Considering the improvements to WINE/PROTON, DXVK over the last few years I'd say the win32 wall has come down pretty well.

As long as we keep gaining share, and even have people Experience Linux I'd call that winning.

As someone that migrated from OS/2 to Linux almost 30 years ago, being a more stable and robust operating system doesn't mean people are going to start programming for your platform if you're also compatible with Windows (OS/2 was often seen as a better Windows than Windows). People will only target Windows since they pick up your users for little to no extra work.

I've always held the position that wine/proton are great for using older software/games, but harmful to luring people to native ports in the future. Why write native ports when you get the entire Linux base for free? We're already seeing companies that always made Linux a priority dropping native support for future games. hosting a huge Queer Games Bundle 2021 with hundreds included
6 June 2021 at 1:10 am UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: saellavenI want an add all button for that bundle or I want everything flagged as something I own. Until then, itch will never see another penny from me.
You can use custom JavaScript like this snippet to add all games to your library: (beware, it’s the kind of thing that is going to use lots of RAM)

How do I run that snippet?

QuoteI don’t think you can expect to do anything on this front, despite their promises they’ve already shown that they don’t actually care about fulfilling them.

...and that's why I won't be buying from them in the future. hosting a huge Queer Games Bundle 2021 with hundreds included
3 June 2021 at 1:55 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: hummer010
Quoting: GuestSince the big bundle for racial justice and equality I’ve been a bit wary about itch usability: do we always have to add games to our library one at a time after buying a bundle, or was it only a special behaviour for this huge one?

I can't comment about this bundle, but the Racial Justice bundle was the first time they made you add it one at a time. Really, it was probably a good thing for that bundle - it was so large, and there were a lot of things that people probably didn't want to add to their library. This is really my only comlaint about itch - too much content, and a lot of it is stuff I'll never want.

and it drove me away from ever buying anything from itch again. I don't know what I own since it wasn't added to my library. The interface is terrible, bordering on unusable, and it's even worse with 59 pages of games to wander through.

I want an add all button for that bundle or I want everything flagged as something I own. Until then, itch will never see another penny from me.

Mad Max and Shadow of Mordor delisted for Linux and macOS on Steam
4 January 2021 at 8:58 pm UTC

Quoting: undeadbydawnSpeaking from harsh experience, Shadow Of Mordor is no great loss. The Linux version was so bad I never got beyond the menu screen, while it was completely flawless - including all online elements - under Glorious Eggroll. While I'm still more likely to buy a game if it offers a Linux version, I generally expect to play under Proton.

Add me as another that played through it back in the fall of 2017...

Steam has a Summer of Pride 2020 sale and event going on
11 June 2020 at 3:42 am UTC Likes: 5

Quoting: Hori@saellaven
This is not nearly as bad as it was/is for you, but me and a lot of other people have also suffered discrimination. Especially at school. It doesn't matter in which way you're different, even the tiniest thing will be brought to great lengths against you. For me being shy and having trouble socilising caused me a lot of problems and sadness. Others are discriminated against because they are "ners" and they learn too much, others because they are physically frail, and countless other things.
What all of those cases have in common, is that it's simply not fair.
It's not fair for lesbians (your case), it's also not fair for people who developed their social skills later than their peers (my case, and them being against me only made the problem worse), and it's not fair for countless people in countless different cases.

In my eyes, we're all under the same roof. It's acceptance and fairness that we need to "fight" for, not our individual problems/groups. Because, in my opinion, the source of the problem is the same in all this cases - people don't respect diversity, and people split themselves into different groups way too much.

Diversity is the greatest aspect of the human race. That's what we should be proud of, that's what we should fight for.

I was an outcast nerd as well... I was off the charts intelligent compared to my peers and my teachers, socially awkward having to live as the closeted lesbian (and back when I was in school, any hint of homosexuality would get you flayed by your peers and met with revulsion by your elders), came from a poor, broken family from the hood, etc. I was routinely bullied by both boys and girls and I often took the kids that were more emotionally or mentally fragile than me under my wing to protect them, which just drew more ire to me.

In many ways, it made me a lot stronger... but I'm still pretty fragile on the inside, so I have a hard time letting anyone get close to me, which is why the situation with my gf is even harder right now.

My wish is for everyone to just be tolerant of anyone else that isn't causing harm to someone. I want a world where people don't have to feel shame or be subjected to hate because they're gay, trans, black, nerdy, or any of the othered traits that "normal" people just take for granted. Unfortunately, some people feel empowered by being able to other someone else, and that's why they need to stand in the way.

Steam has a Summer of Pride 2020 sale and event going on
10 June 2020 at 10:36 pm UTC Likes: 8

Quoting: Zlopez
Quoting: CatKiller
Quoting: ZlopezSo if I am white heterosexual I can celebrate the pride month?
Why wouldn't you?
Because I didn't saw anyone in the LGBT... happy, if I say I'm proud white heterosexual. For them I'm racist embracing the culture of enslavers, or at least this is what I see in most media today. People being banned or have to resign from organizations if they take this stance.

But I don't need any special month to be proud about myself. For me it's funny that somebody even needs this :-)

I'm a lesbian and I'm open, but not in people's face about it. I talk about my girlfriend the way my straight friends talk about their significant other.

I've been physically assaulted and sexually assaulted, I've had guys that won't accept that I'm not attracted to men whom end up harassing me until I leave or that have followed me to my car, all for the crime of being a femme lesbian that they're attracted to, that had the audacity to turn them down since my orientation isn't valid in their eyes. I've had "friends" do me the favor of removing themselves from my life when they found out I wasn't straight.

My girlfriend, whom is bi, is still struggling with her insecurity over "not appearing straight" 16 months after our first date. She's currently ignoring me, since her parents are giving her the "wouldn't it be easier to just settle down with a guy?" push. She's 30 and her parents are still trying to tell her who she's allowed to be in a relationship with.

Pride isn't about my need to rub my sexuality in people's face, because I don't need to do that (though I do acknowledge some people insist on doing just that and they, unfortunately diminish and detract from my message)... it's about my right to simply exist and be myself, it's about not feeling like I might lose the relationship with the woman I love because her parents are upset that she's dating a woman, it's about making it so that the next generation can find more acceptance and tolerance than mine did while acknowledging that societal hate is part of what drove my lesbian aunt to commit suicide in the previous generation.

Be glad that you weren't thrown out of your house as a teen because you told your parents that you're not straight, be happy that you've never been sexually assaulted because someone felt entitled to "curing" you, and be elated that you've never spent the night crying because one of your best friends rejected you when you came out. You had the privilege of being straight and that's accepted as the default and normal, so you don't need to come out. I've had to, dozens of times, and the first few times were distressing just going into it... and while telling people got easier over time, facing the rejections since never got any easier... and, if I do lose my girlfriend, the woman I intend to marry, over homophobia, it'll be devastating to me.

And that's why we need pride.

Valve released a new Stable version of the Steam Client - Steam Play filter for Big Picture Mode added
13 February 2020 at 9:34 pm UTC

I'll be happy once they finally fix the DPMS bug that's been open for almost two years so I don't come home only to find my monitor still on because I forgot to close steam. It seems like a trivial bug to fix that they have endlessly ignored.