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Pocketpair respond to the Nintendo and Pokemon Company lawsuit for Palworld
21 September 2024 at 8:29 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: tohurWell Nintendo should fail this law suit.. has come to light today the patents they are suing Palworld over were filed in May 2024 and granted LAST month... there is NO way that can stand.
So . . . even the filing, after Palworld came out. Actually, I would figure the Palworld folks should be able to even avoid a huge expensive trial if that's all Nintendo have got . . . I mean, not an expert, but surely a motion to dismiss would have a pretty good chance.

Last Epoch drops the Native Linux version, devs tell players to use Proton
21 September 2024 at 8:24 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: EagleDeltaWhich usually means gamedevs have to package their external libs with the game (which many Linux diehards seem to dislike)
I've been around Linux for many years and I've never heard of anyone objecting to games doing this.

It's not optimal for open source software that's part of the general Linux software ecosystem; the expectation is that that stuff will keep on getting updated more or less forever and if it keeps upgrading to the latest libraries you'll get the best function, security and so on, and you avoid duplication by using system libraries. It's all kind of messy but has a lot of advantages, and it's pretty clear from the history of Linux that it can be made to work.

But clearly closed source, commercial games are different and I think everyone knows that. Have you really seen "many Linux diehards" complain about games including libraries?

Pocketpair respond to the Nintendo and Pokemon Company lawsuit for Palworld
21 September 2024 at 8:15 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: TheRiddick
Quoting: tohurthere is NO way that can stand.

Perhaps their strategy is simply to bankrupt them in legal fees. Not to win.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Or, to use the fact that a full trial would bankrupt the opponent with legal fees, to force concessions in a settlement.

Last Epoch drops the Native Linux version, devs tell players to use Proton
20 September 2024 at 9:46 pm UTC

Quoting: EagleDelta
Quoting: RuohtasThis is especially egregious for those of us that backed the KS specifically due to the native Linux client. They only met their funding goal by about $45K, and that could have been due to the Linux version availability.

And I can tell you now as I've spent a LOT of time on developing to improve margins. 45K isn't enough to fund a Linux version itself.
The idea that they were being either stupid or dishonest in promising a Linux version for a small funding goal does not imply that them failing to live up to their promise is optimal behaviour.

Pocketpair respond to the Nintendo and Pokemon Company lawsuit for Palworld
20 September 2024 at 9:09 pm UTC Likes: 2

Patents have gotten kind of twisted since the old days. I mean, originally one of the conditions was, you show a working model. By those rules, show us a working pokeball or pound sand.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around why an entirely fictional idea should be a patentable kind of thing.

Valve heads to PAX Australia for the first time, maybe they'll finally get the Steam Deck
18 September 2024 at 2:52 pm UTC Likes: 5

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderHope Gabe is prepared to fight the Emus...... After their victory in the 1930's...... They now control the land....... They are a tough adversary.......
Pengling can help, I expect. Isn't her gaming all about Emus?

Microsoft Windows kernel changes don't suddenly mean big things for Linux gaming
17 September 2024 at 8:33 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: CaptainClassy
Quoting: Marlockbut most windows users don't even know what an OS is
The vast majority of PC users just see their OS as a bootloader for their web browser of choice.
To be fair, browser makers seem to have worked hard to turn the brower into an OS. So it's a fairly natural mistake at this point.

PlayStation 1 emulator DuckStation changes license for no commercial use and no derivatives
17 September 2024 at 8:21 pm UTC Likes: 5

Quoting: reaperx7The GPL is a very flawed license when it comes to allowing a developer to have absolute control over him/her project. For some projects its fine, but for others it's a total headache.

This is why many developers in the past have used BSDL, MIT, and other more restricive licenses to maintain control and prevent unauthorized forking.
So, first, it's hardly surprising that the GPL is flawed when it comes to allowing a developer to have absolute control over a project, because it was designed precisely to stop developers (and companies) from having absolute control over projects. The point of the GPL is for users to have modification rights, much the way recipe users have modification rights over recipes. Lots of people use Free Software today because they like the way it can be developed collaboratively, with lots of people contributing to some central repository that is somewhat controlled by someone, but that was not the point.

Second, the BSD and MIT licenses are not more restrictive--to the contrary, they are more permissive. They do, particularly the BSD licenses, make it easier to fork a project to a different, more restrictive one . . . but the original code in the permissive license would remain.

Microsoft Windows kernel changes don't suddenly mean big things for Linux gaming
15 September 2024 at 10:53 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Woodlandor
Quoting: ShmerlAnd Tim Sweeney can move to Canada and get lost.

If you do that we will send you Justin Bieber!
I'm starting to see the possibilities here. Can we throw in Pierre Poilievre?

Microsoft Windows kernel changes don't suddenly mean big things for Linux gaming
15 September 2024 at 6:18 pm UTC Likes: 23

Quoting: ShmerlAnd Tim Sweeney can move to Canada and get lost.
Hey! We Canadians have enough problems, thank you very much!