Latest Comments by amatai
PlayStation 1 emulator DuckStation changes license for no commercial use and no derivatives
17 September 2024 at 3:15 pm UTC

Quoting: fenglengshunope
Quoting: bonkmaykrI think the reason Github users are angry is not so much because it's no longer free software, but more because the developer is taking GPL-licensed commits he may not legally own and making them his own semi-proprietary work. This is a legal grey area.

This is not, this is a violation of GPL license if the contributor did not explicitly give him permission to relicense their work. Any contributor that did not can sue him as per the GPL license and force him to remove their contribution.

Btw, can CC-BY-ND even be compiled ?

LibreQuake aims to create a completely free Quake alternative compatible with mods
17 September 2024 at 12:10 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: KlaasWell… this will always be sketchy since Quake (unlike Doom or Quake 3 – not sure about Quake 2 without checking) includes a copy of the used textures in the compiled map file. So if you use maps made for the original game, you use the original textures even if you use this project as a base.
I checked on the project page, Quake is already open source since the 90s, LibreQuake intends to replace proprietary assets.

Oxenfree is being completely removed from in October
9 September 2024 at 1:33 pm UTC Likes: 4

Quoting: MicromegasI think doesn't get much of a say in this. Distributing a specific game can become illegal if some licenses expire (most commonly for music or car brand likeness used in the game), therefore requires a method for the game uploader to remove the game from the platform.

I was under the impression that steam was able to keep games that has been bought downloadable even after they stop being sold. I may be mistaken, but if I'm not, that reflects very badly on itch that games that has been bought can disappear.

Paradox are bundling four DLCs into Europa Universalis IV free for all players
5 September 2024 at 11:56 am UTC Likes: 4

With 14 expansion changing gameplay, EU 4 with different set of DLC has 16 000 different gameplay. It is highly probable that only the base game and the game with all DLC are playtested as quality assurance can't be done on the 16 000 different game coming from all the interaction possible from the DLC. So peoples that have just some DLC will have a game with non tested interaction that often leads to problem. The newer DLC are relatively independent, so they did not contribute as much to the problem, but all the legacy DLC remains. Merging some DLC to the base game is a way for Paradox to reduce QA complexity. Art of War for example change a lot of stuff about how war is working, so having this as a DLC lead to having to develop two war system for the same game and implementing every new feature for the two war system.

This move is not so much a gift to players than a way for Paradox to reduce development cost.

Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
28 August 2024 at 11:40 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: AdutchmanAlso: I don't really like the way some people draw modern Microsoft as the arch enemy of Linux.
Maybe because of the recent breaking of most of the Linux dual boot due to a windows update.
Compagny as a whole are friendlier with Linux, still no company (and no institution as well) is as adversial to Linux than Microsoft, even as a big chunk of their revenue come from Linux adjacent products.

Archrebel Tactics is a wild sci-fi turn-based strategy game inspired by Rebelstar and X-COM
26 June 2024 at 2:06 pm UTC

I am very surprised nobody made a pun on the name. I mean Arch...

Flathub continues growing with over 2 billion downloads recorded
25 June 2024 at 9:45 am UTC

I have a mixed feeling about Flatpack. I have the impression it tries to replace package repositery whereas the problem is that distribution repository should be extended.
We don't need flatpack or snap or whatever for Mozzila, Gnome or KDE softwares. The FOSS software from highly trusted source are the easiest things to maintain on distribution repo. Flathub should be mostly commercial or more obscure FOSS project and software store app should be able to mix distro software when it makes the most sense and packaged software.

Obsidian gave Pillars of Eternity a big patch - Linux and macOS updates being investigated
8 June 2024 at 8:26 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: 14I would tell people I'm a CRPG fan, but I sadly didn't get very far in Pillars of Eternity. I'd consider starting over and creating an "easy" character or something, however BG3 is immensely more enjoyable, which I am not done with despite over 100 hours.
I have played 10 hours of PoE but find it very boring. PoE 2 on the other hand was far more fun and polished. One of the best infinity-like games (second only to BG2 in my opinion).

Obsidian gave Pillars of Eternity a big patch - Linux and macOS updates being investigated
7 June 2024 at 2:43 pm UTC

Quote...probably means Obsidian Entertainment are working on a new one don't you think?

They are working on a game in the PoE universe (aowed or something like that) word but not exactly a sequel.

Kaspersky release a free Virus Removal Tool for Linux
3 June 2024 at 1:07 pm UTC Likes: 12

Quoting: MangojuicedrinkerAnd what has Russia done exactly that you are on high alert? Where is their spyware?
This week they put coffins with the national flag in a highly frequented avenue of my city, last week they had defaced a monument to national heroes. A few month ago, some high ranking official of them threatened to blow up a city in my country. While it is not my favorite city, this is where my brother-in-law is living so that would be inconvenient. The list can go on for long, US is not the only country that Russia does not like and Russia have way to show its displeasure.