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Latest Comments by Liam Dawe
Grand Theft Auto V gets BattlEye anti-cheat, breaks online play on Steam Deck / Linux
18 September 2024 at 8:22 pm UTC Likes: 3

Valve have now changed GTAV rating for Steam Deck to Unsupported.

29 games are getting delisted from GOG
18 September 2024 at 4:24 pm UTC Likes: 3

Note: Two of those are bundles of the other games. The article originally said it was 31, so updated to correct.

29 games are getting delisted from GOG
18 September 2024 at 1:58 pm UTC Likes: 4

Added to the article but will also comment for visibility:

PSA: If our GOG links don't open - blame your plugins. Some browser plugins at some point decided to just auto-close certain affiliate links, the same links we've used for a long time now. They used to give a message asking if you wish to proceed, now some just…don't. You should report the issue to whatever plugins you're using.

Valve heads to PAX Australia for the first time, maybe they'll finally get the Steam Deck
18 September 2024 at 1:51 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Cyba.CowboyYeah, Valve Software will be at PAX Australia to tell us that they're going to release the Steam Deck locally in 2048... Meanwhile, everybody else - from two-bit nobodies through to billion dollar multinationals - can release their wares in a tenth of the time that Valve Software can, and generate a profit in the process!
What people keep missing on this point though, is how Valve is still a relative newbie to the hardware game. When you think about all the other lot doing handhelds, laptops and so on, they already have *all* the contacts and stuff in place to ship near worldwide for various types of hardware. Stuff like this takes time, but even so, it has been a bit too long for our Aus friends.

29 games are getting delisted from GOG
18 September 2024 at 1:40 pm UTC Likes: 5

Quoting: GBGamesFirst Oxenfree, now these games. Is there something going on?
Oxenfree was, not GOG.

Grand Theft Auto V gets BattlEye anti-cheat, breaks online play on Steam Deck / Linux
17 September 2024 at 2:26 pm UTC Likes: 14

Quoting: _wojtek
Quoting: neolith
Quoting: mZSq7Fq3qsI miss the times when allmost all games had their own dedicaded servers available and you could just host your own server.
Good god, yes! I am SO annoyed by the fact that community maintained servers are going the way of the dodo...

Isn't this because of the publishers/developers wanting to keep tight grip on the game? And everything having to be connected and "massive"? Quite often local clan would be more than enough to have fun...

Which reminds me - if anyone still hasn't signed up for / -- now's the time! :)
The reason is pretty simple: money. They want more of it.

How do you get more money from online games? Lock them down, force people into only your servers and then you can do:

- Micro-transactions
- Skins
- Etc etc

Microsoft Windows kernel changes don't suddenly mean big things for Linux gaming
16 September 2024 at 1:26 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: pilkI kinda wonder, though, if weaning off kernel-level access will help with playing on a VM. If I could run the windows-only games I occasionally play on a VM, I wouldn't be dualbooting.
Doubtful. Certain games very specifically disallow and block VMs, as they can be used to help cheating at scale.

European Consumer Organization goes after multiple publishers for their in-game currency
13 September 2024 at 7:42 pm UTC Likes: 13

Quoting: coolitic"Shouldn't need a calculator" as if the conversion ratio wasn't absolutely trivial.

And from that point alone, they stretch it out into buzz-words about "Companies manipulating children to spend money", as if having a (trivial) conversion step was the root of the issue.
This reeks of "I get it and it's easy for me therefore it's not a problem" level of thinking. No, it's not trivial. Every game on this is completely different. We shouldn't have to get a calculator out every time.

Wine team now hosting Mono, looking to adopt the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
12 September 2024 at 2:16 pm UTC Likes: 24

Quoting: LamuNobody's in favour of these goofy, overbearing 'covenants' (as cultlike as it sounds).
Any normal person is. The only people usually not in favour of them are the exact type of assholes they aim to keep away. It's utterly daft to be against such simple rules. Too many people turn into keyboard warrior idiots.