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Two big things have arrived. The first is that you can attempt to grab the sleek looking Steam Deck OLED: Limited Edition White right now, and the Steam Deck is now available in Australia.
This looks awesome and quite weird, especially if you love your retro-infused games. Sorry We're Closed is the first release from à la mode games available now.
SNØ: Ultimate Freeriding is a recent discovery that looks wonderful. A chill arcade freeriding game where it's just you against the raw wilderness and they plan to have it working to perfection on Steam Deck.
Following on from the rather large DXVK 2.5 update a week ago, a smaller bug-fix release is out now for the Direct3D to Vulkan translation layer used by Proton.
OpenRA is a free and open source project to play classic strategy games like Red Alert, Command & Conquer, and Dune 2000. It's also used as the base for some original games. A new playtest is finally out with lots new!
Black Mesa: Blue Shift is a remake of the classic Half-Life: Blue Shift, made as a mod for the Half-Life remake Black Mesa. A big new update just landed for Black Mesa: Blue Shift that includes the new Chapter 5 of the story.
To celebrate that Half-Life 2 has turned 20, Valve has made it free to claim and keep for a limited time. Not only that, but Episodes One and Two are now included with a huge upgrade.
The continuing trend of getting you to pay more to play just a few days earlier continues. Avowed from Obsidian Entertainment does look like bloody good fun, but £90 of fun?