Well here you have it folks apparently Valve has announced that Steam will be coming to Linux after all.
$610,901 later and 72,791 contributors (at time of writing) the Humble Indie Bundle is a MASSIVE success.
The first Humble Indie Bundle is up, a Pay What You Want game bundle of 5 games, could we see more of this in the future? I think so! This is from Wolfire Games, the developer behind Lugaru.
Well for a while now I have been following forum threads on different websites and news posts on Phoronix and it seems that a Linux client for Steam (Valve's game platform) will be coming to Linux!
After a very short and fun testing period the indie hit Osmos now officially supports Linux. This marks yet another excellent indie game for our growing platform!
Well for those of you living under a rock Osmos is a small indie game currently for Mac and Windows that one of their developers has finally started the Linux port for and even promised a...
What's that? There's a new Linux gaming website in town? Hello everyone and welcome to GamingOnLinux.