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Viewing articles by Samsai
I'm a Linux gamer from Finland. I like reading, long walks on the beach, dying repeatedly in roguelikes and ripping and tearing in FPS games. I also sometimes write code and sometimes that includes hobbyist game development.

Find me in these places:

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
Hopefully you didn't expect there to not be a Friday livestream today because there totally is! Once again we shall fire up the war rig of doom and destruction and start blasting frames and audio bits at Twitch at high velocity! And, as is typically the case, you can watch the mayhem from a safe distance on Twitch!

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
Tick tock, it's Friday again! Once again will the livestream machine be warmed up for doom and destruction and the resulting madness will be broadcast along cables and radio waves to your preferred viewing device! So, get your snacks ready for some live Linux gaming!

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC! (Also a poll for viewers to vote on!)

By Samsai,
FRIDAY ARRIVES! And so does the Friday Livestream, as you might expect. It seems to be the season for games exiting Early Access so I'm practically drowning in stuff. And stuff will be played. And you have a chance to look at stuff being played! So, there. Come watch my stream. Please.

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
Time sure rolls by, doesn't it? Another week has gone by and it's time to dust off the monster machine of video streams to transmit some compressed video frames towards your optimal viewing device, so strap yourselves in for some live Linux gaming!

So, I played... Pyre

By Samsai,
Pyre is the third game from Supergiant Games, the developers that previously released Bastion and Transistor, both games that were well-received and I personally would rate them as some of the best games I’ve played. Let’s see how Pyre compares, shall we?

Pyre, a party-based RPG by Supergiant Games, is now out

By Samsai,
The newest game from Supergiant Games, the developers behind the well-received titles Bastion and Transistor is now out on Steam.

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
Hey, guess what? It's Friday again! For the uninitiated, that means it's time for our weekly Friday Livestream! Games will be played, salt will be mined and it will all be broadcast to your preferred viewing location with the Internet pipeline! So, strap yourselves in for some live Linux gaming!

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
Hey, it's Friday again! Another week has slipped by nearly unnoticed and it's time for me to pre-heat my Ryzen for another weekly livestream of doom and destruction! And, as per usual, you are invited to witness and participate in the chaos!

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
Friday Livestream is here again! Another week has gone by and it's time for me to heat up my Ryzen to bring you a live broadcast of silliness, video games and more silliness! So, point your browsers towards our Twitch channel for some live Linux gaming!

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
The week at the summer cottage is over and I'm back in business! I bring to you the one true show that marks the arrival of a Friday: The Friday Livestream! So, strap yourselves in for some more live Linux gaming and the associated shenanigans!

Trying the experimental GCN 1.0 support in AMDGPU

By Samsai,
Inspired by the recent release of Dawn of War 3, I decided to try out the experimental GCN 1.0 support in the new AMDGPU kernel driver and share my experiences.

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
Hello there! Another week has passed by and it's time for our weekly ritual of video games and video streams! So, get your snacks and setup your optimal viewing environment for some live Linux gaming brought to you by yours truly.

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
Weekend, ahoy! Friday has arrived and, as usual, I will be blasting video frames and audio bits at you over the Internet as we play some Linux games and stream them over Twitch! So, get your snacks ready for some live Linux gaming!

Here's a video of the highlights of the Shovel Knight streams!

By Samsai,
So, for a couple of weeks I decided to go back and play a game that has been on Linux for a while: Shovel Knight. I initially expected a difficult but enjoyable experience but it was not meant to be. Here's a video detailing the highlights (depending on your perspective) of the journey.

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
Huzzah! The weekend is near and video games are in the horizon! Today you have a chance of participating in our weekly ritual of summoning the weekend with the power of online-transmitted video streams and video games, so do join us on Twitch!

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
We seem to have made it through another week, for today is Friday! You now have a once in a week (Shovel Knight streams do not count) chance of watching me play video games and throw around silly sentences for your amusement!

Total War: Shogun 2 & Fall of the Samurai released for Linux, port review and thoughts

By Samsai,
The Linux ports of Total War: Shogun 2 & Fall of the Samurai have now been shipped by Feral Interactive. Here's a port report and a review based on gameplay of Shogun 2 itself.

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
Friday is upon us and that naturally means a livestream will be organized in celebration of the arrival of yet another Friday! So, come along for the ride as I play some video games and transmit the captured frames over the internet to your computer!

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
As has been customary on GOL, the arrival of a Friday is marked with a livestream and today is no different on this front. So, strap yourselves in for some live Linux gaming, blasted straight from my gaming rig to your viewing device of choice!

Friday Livestream with Samsai at 5 PM UTC!

By Samsai,
It's a beautiful day outside and what better way to spend it than by sitting indoors playing video games? That is exactly what I plan to do this evening and you may join me through the power of the internet and Twitch! So, welcome all!
Showing 40 to 60 of 339 entries found.
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